Chapter 18.24 of the City of Sacramento Code requires each development within the North Natomas Plan Area to participate in the payment of the development fees listed in the North Natomas Finance Plan prior to building permit issuance. One of the fees collected contributes towards area-wide infrastructure. This fee is referred to as the North Natomas Public Facilities Fee. Since Alleghany Properties LLC was the Master Developer of over 1,050 acres of land in North Natomas and constructed oversized infrastructure that benefited more than just its property, Alleghany holds North Natomas Public Facility Fee Credits that can be purchased to reduce a developer’s fee obligation. The fee credits can be utilized at a rate of 43% of the total fee against every dollar of the fee. Alleghany Properties LLC continues to actively sell its fee credits to third-party developers at a discount based on its opinion of current market pricing. If you have an interest in purchasing credits to reduce the cost of your total fee obligation, please contact us using the button below and we can educate you on the process and current market pricing: